
461 results
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About Us

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps is a program of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. We know that much of what influences...

Access to Care Measurement Strategies

According to the CDC, access to care includes four characteristics: Coverage – Not having health insurance makes it difficult for people to get the...


Accreditation Preparation & Quality Improvement

This tool (from NACCHO) provides tools and links to resources to enhance quality improvement and prepare local health departments for public health accreditation. It can be found in the Public Health Professional and Advocate guide under...


Action Communities for Health, Innovation, & Environmental Change

ACHIEVE fosters collaborative partnerships between city and county health officials, city and county government, tribal programs, parks and recreation departments, local YMCAs, local health-related coalitions, and other representatives from the school, business, health, and community sectors to implement improvements. 


Action Strategies Toolkit

This tool (from Leadership for Healthy Communities) is a guide for local and state leaders working to implement policies to create healthy communities and prevent childhood obesity. It can be found in the Government guide under...


Activation Point

Activation Point (from Spitfire Strategies) builds on the Smart Chart™ and focuses specifically on analyzing the type of public support needed for your campaign to succeed and strategies for mobilizing concerned people to action.


Active Living by Design

This website (from North Carolina Public Health Institute) features tools to create community-led change by working with local and national partners to build a culture of active living and healthy eating.


Advocacy Progress Planner

This is a free online tool (from the Aspen Institute) that provides a template for planning your advocacy/policy evaluation approach. 


Affinity Diagram

This tool (from SMART Learning Systems) is a way to organize brainstormed lists into like categories. It is useful when you want to involve an entire group in organizing and consolidating many ideas.