County by County Blog

Project updates, commentaries, events and news about health across the nation from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team.

Engaging Mississippi Delta Residents: Join CHR&R's New Learning Community

Publication date
February 3, 2020

Do you work in an organization or with a group in the Mississippi Delta region, and want to learn how to better engage with residents to create a Culture of Health in your community? 

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps is forming a cohort of groups from across the Delta region—particularly from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi—to learn from one another over a six-month period. This Delta region learning community will meet both virtually and in person to discuss strategies to develop resident engagement, and participants will share their experiences, build skills together, and fire up network connections.

(Haven’t participated in a cohort or learning community experience before? No problem. Check out a recording of our Jan. 23 webinar to learn more.)

Working together yields better results than working alone, and the goal of this learning community is to create space for people to dive deeper into issues specific to them and their communities; focus on real-time problems; and connect and map out actions to desired outcomes together.

Interested in joining? Register now for the Delta Region Roundtable on February 6 at 11 am ET. This interactive virtual gathering is the first step toward joining the cohort. During this meeting, you will have the chance to make new connections with others from the Delta region and learn more about the application process.

Applications have now closed.

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