What Works for Health Curated Strategy Lists
What Works for Health Curated Strategy Lists are helpful resources to support community change efforts around specific topics and themes. Selected by our expert evidence analysts, each list includes evidence-informed programs, policies, and systems changes that can help address complex health problems, systemic social issues, and local community needs and priorities.
Explore Curated Strategy Lists
Evidence-informed strategies to strengthen opportunities for people to participate in their community. These solutions focus on civic infrastructure, or the spaces and policies that facilitate connection and make civic participation possible.
Evidence-informed strategies to close the racial wealth divide. These solutions account for historical practices that established and maintain the wealth divide– and reduce wealth inequities by increasing income and assets, expanding employment opportunities, removing barriers to quality education, and increasing access to homeownership.
Evidence-informed strategies that help communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change, including options for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. These solutions address issues like transportation, energy efficiency, sustainable food options, stewardship and waste reduction.
Evidence-informed strategies to prevent neighborhood crime and violence as well as intimate partner violence. These solutions address collaborative efforts between law enforcement and community residents, and connect families and youth at risk with social services and supports.