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About Us

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps is a program of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. We know that much of what influences...

Access to Care Measurement Strategies

According to the CDC, access to care includes four characteristics: Coverage – Not having health insurance makes it difficult for people to get the...


Air & Water Quality Measurement Strategies

Multiple air quality measurement strategies exist due to different pollutants, emission sources, and modeling procedures. The most commonly measured air pollutants are particulate matter...


Alcohol & Drug Use Measurement Strategies

The only widespread tool for measuring alcohol consumption is through self-reported surveys. There are four common measures of alcohol consumption used for estimating health...


Are You Poised for Progress?

Does your community have a shared vision for health and the people, plans, and resources that can help make the community a healthier place...


Beyond the County Health Snapshots

Looking for Data On Other Sites Once you’ve identified areas where you want to learn more, look below for local, state and national sources...


Explore opportunities to join the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team!

Community Safety Measurement Strategies

Community safety is often measured using the levels of violence and injuries experienced by the population. There are several mechanisms in which to characterize...