Why the Census Matters to Health Equity

Date & time:
January 28, 2020 3pm EST

Every decade the U.S. Census provides an opportunity for residents in every community to be counted. The census is one of the most important datasets in the United States. In fact, much of the data reported in the County Health Rankings snapshots are census-related data. While we often associate the census with congressional representation, census data matter significantly to health equity. Decisions such as where to build clinics and schools are all predicated on census counts just as public transit needs and road construction projects are. An accurate count of your community helps inform how hundreds of billions of dollars will be spent, which can influence residents’ ability to make healthy choices.

In this webinar, we explored how the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation is collaborating with businesses, nonprofit organizations, and health and human service agencies to ensure that all residents are counted, including populations most at risk for being undercounted. The Foundation’s Communications Director, Michael Wilson, shared practical strategies around resident engagement and even a novel approach--the creation of a Census Equity Fund--that can be easily adapted in other communities to encourage accurate counts. If health equity matters to you, you do not want to miss the recording of this webinar that took place on January 28, 2020.

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