Building power through narrative
Narratives are deeply embedded stories that convey values and ideas about how the world works. They live in the background of our collective consciousness yet play out in everyday life. An example of a dominant narrative is that one is solely responsible for one’s own success or failure, based on the value of individualism, or the idea that one can “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.” In this webinar, Jed Amurao, County Health Rankings and Roadmaps’ narrative infrastructure specialist, will introduce us to Narratives for Health, a national partnership working to shift narratives to advance health and equity for all. We will learn ways that groups can build power and advance health and equity through narrative change. Racial equity consultant and coach Jannah Bierens will also join us to share her experiences applying narrative in public health advocacy work and in facilitating dialogues that build bridges for deeper relationships. Participants will learn about narrative training opportunities and resources so they can apply strategies in public health practice.
Mark your calendars: Immediately following the webinar at 3 p.m. CT/4 p.m. ET, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will host a one-hour discussion. Join us in an engaging dialogue with peers across the country and share your experiences working toward equity.