Strategies What Works for Health includes evidence-informed strategies to create communities where everyone can thrive. SORT BY A-ZBest MatchNewest VIEW 102550 3 Strategies Community Members Scientifically Supported Expert Opinion Mixed Evidence Access to Care Alcohol and Drug Use Employment Clear all Bookmark this strategy Labor unions Organize workers to bargain collectively for improved wages, benefits, and working conditions Evidence Rating: Scientifically Supported Employment Employment Bookmark this strategy Naloxone education & distribution programs Distribute Naloxone to trained community members and first responders to reverse opioid overdoses Evidence Rating: Scientifically Supported Alcohol and Drug Use Bookmark this strategy Proper drug disposal programs Establish programs that accept expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from designated users and dispose of them responsibly Evidence Rating: Expert Opinion Alcohol and Drug Use Air and Water Quality
Bookmark this strategy Labor unions Organize workers to bargain collectively for improved wages, benefits, and working conditions Evidence Rating: Scientifically Supported Employment Employment
Bookmark this strategy Naloxone education & distribution programs Distribute Naloxone to trained community members and first responders to reverse opioid overdoses Evidence Rating: Scientifically Supported Alcohol and Drug Use
Bookmark this strategy Proper drug disposal programs Establish programs that accept expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from designated users and dispose of them responsibly Evidence Rating: Expert Opinion Alcohol and Drug Use Air and Water Quality