Tools & Resources

194 Resources
Filtered by 2013 and 2020

Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth

This tool (from Foundation Strategy Group) is a report that calls communities to bring together systems and stakeholders to improve outcomes for Opportunity Youth and to provide a high-level framework for a collective impact approach that will enable them to do so. Opportunity Youth are between the ages of 16 and 24 and are neither enrolled in school nor participating in the labor market...


Sustainability Planning Guide for Healthy Communities

This tool (from CDC's Healthy Communities program) helps public and community health professionals develop a sustainability plan and learn key sustainability approaches. It can be found in Act on What’s Important under ...


Tools for Assessing Startup Nonprofits

This tool (from La Piana Consulting) can help you understand what funders are looking for to determine the viability of a new startup organization, pp. 15-29.


Coalition Member Survey

This tool (from Coalitions Work) is a 45-item survey for members to rate the coalition on aspects related to planning, implementation, leadership, local and statewide involvement, communication, participation, progress, and outcomes.

Find it in Evaluate Actions under...


Sphere of Influence

This tool (from CHR&R) helps you identify personal connections with the people who know the decision makers.  It asks who do you know who knows the key decision makers? Your answers will help to build advocacy for the policy or system change you desire.


Health Care Equity: Tool Kit for a Winning Policy Strategy

This toolkit (from The Praxis Project) provides analytical frameworks, tools, and concepts, drawing on lessons from successful grassroots policy advocacy that effectively shifted emphasis from individual blaming (behavior change) to institutional accountability (policy change).


Finding Your Inner Fundraiser

This tool (created by Stephanie Roth & Kim Klein of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal) includes a self assessment to identify ways board members and supporters can contribute to resource development. 


Donor Fund-Raising Get Started Tool

This tool (from M+R) will help your organization plan or expand its efforts to secure funds from individual and corporate donors.