Using a new approach to data to understand health and equity in your community

Date & time:
October 15, 2024 3pm EDT

As public health and health care practitioners, we have access to more data than ever before. And while we often view it as fact, how we collect and summarize data reflects values and ideas about what — and who — matters. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps has introduced a new approach to summarize and communicate a county’s health relative to other counties to help users understand how long and how well people are living in counties across the nation. Join us to learn more about how our resources inspire questions, conversation and action to improve health and equity. CHR&R data and analytics team lead, Dr. Christine Muganda, and narrative infrastructure team lead, Angela Acker, will describe the changes and the reasoning behind them. Wyatt Beckman, senior analyst at Kansas Health Institute, will share how his organization uses CHR&R resources to communicate with policymakers and communities across the state. 

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