Taking a local health and equity approach to climate change
Climate change causes more frequent and intense extreme weather events, wildfires, water contamination, and other impacts. In turn it threatens our health and wellbeing. Extreme heat events can, for example, result in respiratory illnesses, mental distress and premature death. In this webinar, we will explore the relationship between the climate and our health. Portland State University Professor Dr. Vivek Shandas will share his research that shows how segregation polices, such as redlining, created disinvestment in communities. Resulting lack of access to parks and other infrastructure mean rising temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions are deepening health inequities. We will also discuss opportunities for communities to reduce the impacts of climate change, including strategies that prioritize community voices in local government decisions.
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will host a one-hour interactive virtual discussion at 4 p.m. ET, immediately following the webinar. Participate in an engaging dialogue with peers across the country to share your experiences working toward equity. Mark your calendars and plan to stay as long as you're able.