Going All In to improve health through multi-sector collaboration and systematic data sharing
Join our co-hosts, the experts at Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) to learn about ways to improve health and promote equity through effective and meaningful data sharing. DASH is a co-founder of All In: Data for Community Health, which is both a national learning collaborative and a movement to accelerate the use of data to improve community health. Together, we will dig into promising practices for sharing data and connecting information systems, as well as how to address barriers to multi-sector collaboration in hopes of uniting across communities to address the social determinants of health. We are excited that DASH will be bringing the voices of representatives from community-based organizations in Trenton, NJ and Chicago, IL to share their stories about building capacity for multi-sector data sharing and how they’ve leveraged opportunities for peer connections through All In.
Don't miss this great blog post from DASH, featuring a great recap of some key themes, stories, and highlights from the webinar.