Strategies What Works for Health includes evidence-informed strategies to create communities where everyone can thrive. SORT BY A-ZBest MatchNewest VIEW 102550 2 Strategies 3 6701 Education Family and Social Support Housing and Transit Sexual Activity Tobacco Use 6702 6703 12058 37279 Community Members Public Health Mixed Evidence Diet and Exercise Clear all Bookmark this strategy Participatory budgeting Engage community members to determine how public budgets are spent, ideally to improve neighborhood conditions and reduce inequality. Evidence Rating: Mixed Evidence Family and Social Support Bookmark this strategy Secondhand smoke education interventions Use counseling, informational materials, etc. to inform smokers and non-smokers of the harms of secondhand smoke and encourage them to implement home smoking bans Evidence Rating: Mixed Evidence Tobacco Use
Bookmark this strategy Participatory budgeting Engage community members to determine how public budgets are spent, ideally to improve neighborhood conditions and reduce inequality. Evidence Rating: Mixed Evidence Family and Social Support
Bookmark this strategy Secondhand smoke education interventions Use counseling, informational materials, etc. to inform smokers and non-smokers of the harms of secondhand smoke and encourage them to implement home smoking bans Evidence Rating: Mixed Evidence Tobacco Use