Tools & Resources

443 Resources

Active Living by Design

This website (from North Carolina Public Health Institute) features tools to create community-led change by working with local and national partners to build a culture of active living and healthy eating.


Strategic Alliance ENACT Local Database

This searchable database (from Prevention Institute) is an online resource of local policies that can improve opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity.


Tools for Community Action

This website (from CDC) is a one stop site for numerous toolkits and resources for community health issues including topics such as tobacco, physical activity, health equity, and others.


Avoiding Group Think

This tool (from Mind Tools) is a face-to-face process for gaining consensus where the group shares and discusses all issues before evaluation, with each group member participating equally in evaluation. It describes strategies for checking the fundamental assumptions behind important decisions, validating the decision-making process, and evaluating the risks involved.


Mind Maps

This tool (from Mind Tools) describes a useful approach to note-taking that can be used during a brainstorming session to help you break large topics down into manageable chunks.



This tool (from Mind Tools) describes why and how to use brainstorming to generate ideas.


Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work

This tool (from Stanford Social Innovation Review) is a follow up to the popular Collective Impact article by the same authors. Its focus is on answering commonly asked questions: How do we begin? How do we create alignment? How do we sustain the initiative? It can be found in Act on What's Important and Work Together under...


Catalytic Philanthropy

This tool (from Stanford Social Innovation Review) describes what funders can do to sustain community improvement initiatives. 


How Should I Make a Business Plan?

This tool (from Community Tool Box) provides guidance on developing a business plan, including what it should contain, how it should be written, and how it should be packaged.