Tools & Resources

257 Resources
Filtered by 2013, 2019, 2020, and 2021

Health Policy Group

This tool (from Council of State Governments) provides talking points, policy briefs, and toolkits addressing health issues that affect the community including immunizations, chronic disease prevention, adolescent and school health, reducing health risks, and HIV/STD prevention. It can be found in the ...


Smart Growth Online

This site (from National Center for Appropriate Technology) is home to the Smart Growth Network which works to encourage development that serves the economy, community and the environment by raising awareness and providing tools for how growth can contribute to improved quality of life. This site includes reference materials and funding opportunities for local communities. This tool ...


NACCHO Toolbox

This tool (from NACCHO) has a variety of toolkits available to help support action in a wide variety of areas from chronic disease to influenza to the built environment to injury prevention to a wide variety of public health infrastructure topics. It can be found in the...


Health Impact Project

This website (from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts) provides tools and resources designed to promote the use of health impact assessments (HIAs) as a decision-making tool for policymakers.

It can be found in:...


Healthy Community Design

This website (from NACCHO) includes tools to help public health practitioners learn about or further their work on the connection between public health and the built environment.



This tool (from Prevention Institute)  builds health and resilience in vulnerable environments. It can be found in the Public Health Professional and Advocate guide under...


Health Equity

This tool (from ASTHO) contains sample slide presentations and examples of how states are leading health equity efforts.  It can be found in the Public Health Professional and Advocate guide under...


Accreditation Preparation & Quality Improvement

This tool (from NACCHO) provides tools and links to resources to enhance quality improvement and prepare local health departments for public health accreditation. It can be found in the Public Health Professional and Advocate guide under...