Tools & Resources

243 Resources
Filtered by 2013 and 2018

Choosing an Advocacy Campaign Goal

This tool (from M + R) provides specific questions and criteria for narrowing your focus and selecting an advocacy campaign goal. It can be found in Act on What's Important under Learning...


Guide for a Follow-Up Discussion

This example (from Laura Senier) illustrates how you can use the County Health Rankings in a course (to be used with the Example of a College Level Assignment)


Alliance for a Healthier Generation Take Action: Schools

This page (from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation) outlines specific steps schools can take to create healthier school environments (free sign-in required to access tools). It can be found in the Educators guide under...


Afterschool Alliance

This organization works to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs and their websites provide many resources for both advocating for and implementing afterschool programs. It can be found in the Educators guide under...