Tools & Resources

74 Resources
Filtered by 2012, 2015, and 2017

CHR 2010-2015 Data Changes Summary

This document summarizes the changes in ranked measures for all releases from 2010 to 2015. It can be found in Ranking Methods, under Data Sources and Measures.


Nominal Group Technique

This tool (from ASQ) is a structured method for group brainstorming that encourages contributions from everyone.


Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)  

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) connects local organizations and community leaders with resources to revitalize neighborhoods and improve quality of life. They offer a useful toolkit including loans, grants, equity investments and on-the-ground experience in some of the most vulnerable communities. This resource can be found in the...


New York State Health Foundation Call for Proposals

This example Call for Proposals from the New York State Health Foundation, along with a complementary initiative in partnership with the New York Community Trust, highlights both the Rankings data and emphasizes the many factors that influence health. It can be found in...


Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota Call for Proposals

This example Call For Proposals (from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota) provides significant funding for healthy communities efforts, and is tied closely to County Health Rankings data and frameworks.  It can be found in Philanthropy and Investors under...


Working Together for Better Health 

Working Together for Better Health  (NeighborWorks America) highlights training and resources available to support leaders linking health and community development. It can be found in the Community Development guide under...


LISC Institute for Comprehensive Community Development 

LISC Institute for Comprehensive Community Development  (from LISC) spotlights blogs, resources and stories about how community development and health are working together.  It can be found in the Community Development guide under...


What Counts

What Counts (from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Urban Institute) outlines opportunities and challenges for the strategic use of data to reduce poverty, improve health, expand access to quality education, and build stronger communities. It can be found in the Community Development...


NeighborWorks America  

NeighborWorks America highlights training and resources available to support government leaders in tackling some of the nation's biggest housing and community development challenges. It can be found in the Government guide under...


Franklin Regional Council of Governments 

This website (from the Franklin Regional Council of Governments), is an example of a small rural county using cooperative purchasing to service their region. The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) is a regional service organization serving the twenty-six towns of Franklin County, the most rural county in Massachusetts. The FRCOG is the former county government, which was...