Tools & Resources

409 Resources
Filtered by Image, Rankings Documentation, and Tools for Action


This tool (from Mind Tools) describes why and how to use brainstorming to generate ideas.


Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work

This tool (from Stanford Social Innovation Review) is a follow up to the popular Collective Impact article by the same authors. Its focus is on answering commonly asked questions: How do we begin? How do we create alignment? How do we sustain the initiative? It can be found in Act on What's Important and Work Together under...


Catalytic Philanthropy

This tool (from Stanford Social Innovation Review) describes what funders can do to sustain community improvement initiatives. 


How Should I Make a Business Plan?

This tool (from Community Tool Box) provides guidance on developing a business plan, including what it should contain, how it should be written, and how it should be packaged.


Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory

This tool (from Wilder Research) is a free online questionnaire that can help you assess how your coalition is functioning generally.

Find it in Evaluate Actions under Evaluate Your Partnership and Make Changes.


Mind Tools

This website includes a variety of tools and resources to make meetings more effective. 


Awareness Activities

These activities (from EdChange) address diversity, social identity, and cultural competence and include facilitation guidelines. This tool can be found in Work Together under Work Together to Advance Health Equity and under...


Governance is Governance

This tool (from Independence Sector) describes the functions, roles, responsibilities, and leadership dynamics between a board of directors and executive director.