Tools & Resources

443 Resources
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Assessing Community Needs & Resources

This tool (from Community Tool Box) includes 21 sections mostly dedicated to different methods for collecting information (e.g., Conducting Focus Groups, Conducting Surveys, and Qualitative Methods to Assess Community Issues).



This process (from SMART Learning Systems) is a tool for narrowing a large list of ideas.


Community Assessment Tools

This tool (from Rotary International) provides detailed descriptions, planning tips and, in some cases, samples for several types of assessment. It can be found in Assess Needs & Resources under Prepare to Assess...


Brainwriting a Mission Statement

This tool (from SMART Learning Systems) is an alternative brainstorming method that helps groups consider Aim/Audience, Action and Reason. 


Historygram Process

The Historygram Process (from SMART Learning Systems) helps groups capture what community partners want to keep, start, and stop doing. It also celebrates different perspectives from the community.


Description of Meeting Roles

This tool (from SMART Learning Systems) describes responsibilities for a meeting facilitator, timekeeper, notetaker, and scribe.


Mobilizing Action Through Partnership and Planning (MAPP) Assessment Overview

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships is a community-driven strategic planning tool developed by the National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) for improving community health. This tool provides guidance for communities in each of the six MAPP phases: Organize for Success; Visioning; The Assessments; Strategic Issues; Goals/Strategies; and Action...