Tools & Resources
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Overview
This brief overview brochure describes the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program and its offerings.
What Works for Health Overview
This one-page overview brochure describes the What Works for Health tool.
Interpreting Trend Graphs
This tool (from CHR&R) provides additional guidance for interpreting trend graphs included in your County Health Snapshot.
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Logo
This is the official logo for the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program.
What Works for Health Shortcut
Looking for a shortcut to effectively use What Works for Health, our tool to help you find evidence-informed policies, programs, systems, and environmental changes that can make a difference locally? We've added a new resource to help you do just that.
Choose Shortcut
This document provides a two-page summary of steps in the Action Center's Choose Effective Policies & Programs guide.
2021 County Health Rankings Research Grant Call for Proposals
This is the application and background material for the 2021 County Health Rankings Research Grants Call for Proposals.
PHRASES Framing and Messaging Toolkit
This toolkit (from Public Health Reaching Across Sectors) provides evidence-based framing and messaging tools and strategies to help public health professionals communicate across sectors.
SparkMap Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
This Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) tool, developed by the Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems (CARES) at the University of Missouri, supports users in assessing the health of their communities. Users can create custom data reports at the county-level using a wide range of indicators from many data sources, including the County Health Rankings.