
111 results
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BUILD Organizes to Renovate Baltimore Schools

In the spring of 2013, the Maryland legislature passed an unprecedented $1.1 billion financing plan to rebuild and renovate Baltimore schools. Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development (BUILD) organized with Child First (a school-based organizing initiative founded by BUILD), Maryland Industrial Areas Foundation (MD IAF) and the Baltimore Education Coalition (BEC) to rally the community...


Building a Business Case for Better Health: Allen County, OH

In Lima, OH, located in Allen County, community leaders are discovering the economic benefits of building a healthy, attractive community for residents to live, learn, work and play. In the 2012 County Health Rankings, Allen County ranked 75 out of 88 counties, according to health factors, with high rates of obesity (37 percent) and adult smoking (22 percent). Selected by the YMCA of...


Changing the Narrative in Minnesota

Through its “Ban the Box” campaign the Justice4All Program, run by TakeAction Minnesota, tackled our nation’s racial jobs disparity head on. For three years, Justice4All led an ultimately successful campaign for “Ban the Box” policies preventing employers from asking job applicants about criminal history on an initial employment application. Because African Americans and Latinos are arrested,...


Changing the Trajectory of High-needs Families: United Way of Central Ohio

The County Health Rankings are based on a model of population health that emphasizes the many factors that, if improved, can help make communities healthier places to live, learn, work and play. In Columbus, United Way of Central Ohio is tackling many of the tough issues the County Health Rankings shed light on. However, as David Ciccone, Senior Impact Director for Health,...


Community Engages in San Bernardino County, CA, Assessment

In San Bernardino County, CA, the Community Vital Signs initiative is a community-driven effort that uses data to set priorities for action to improve the health and wellness of the county. To understand the county’s needs and resources, the Community Vital Signs initiative pulled together 34 indicators on a range of issues including health, education, the economy, and the environment. To set...


Connecting the Dots in Fulton County, GA: Working Together to Save Lives

According to the 2013 County Health Rankings, Fulton County, Georgia ranks 29 out of 156 on overall health, yet 55,000 adults and 25,000 children in the county suffer from asthma. Tragically some of them die, including most recently, a 10 year old girl and an 11 year old boy. For years the Fulton County Health...


Creating a multicultural mixed-use community in Greenbridge, WA

To provide affordable housing and on-site community resources in a healthy environment, King County Housing Authority (KCHA) transformed Greenbridge, a suburb of Seattle, WA, from World War II-era temporary housing to modern, brightly colored apartments and townhomes. Determined to meet the needs of the community, KCHA collaborated with partners to gather feedback from residents across the age...


Day Care Gets Kids Moving 2 hours/day

When Kids Depot Childcare in Madison, Wisconsin, wanted to help kids be more active, they set an ambitious goal: two hours of physical activity every day. Teachers weren’t sure it could be done, but through Active Early, they learned how...


Detroit, MI: Joy-Southfield Neighborhood Unites to Tackle Chronic Disease, Poverty and Other Barriers to Health

Detroit, MI, is one of the most racially segregated cities in the country, with high crime, poverty and unemployment; poor public transportation; and vast food deserts that prevent residents from easily accessing healthy foods. In 2011, the County Health Rankings ranked Wayne County—where Detroit is located—81 out of 82 counties in Michigan for health outcomes and dead last for health factors.