
184 results
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Efforts to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes by the Midwest Business Group on Health

The Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH), based in Chicago, is raising awareness about the importance of full term births and best practices for maternity care. The organization is working to reduce the number of non-medically related, elective-C sections and inductions prior to 39 weeks of gestation. MBGH has unveiled a multifaceted education campaign targeting mothers, health plans...


Embracing power and education for civic health

In this second episode of our three-part series, we’re tackling civic education and young people’s involvement in civic life: where we’re at as a country, what we can do to improve it and how it’s linked to our overall health. Host Beth Silver interviews prolific author Eric Liu, a self-described civic evangelist and CEO of Citizen University, an organization that promotes “powerful citizenship and civic education.” Silver and Liu discuss power, obligation and responsibility in a democracy.


Employers Create Culture of Health in Memphis

Five years ago when the Memphis Business Group on Health (MBGH) first began contemplating ways to encourage comprehensive workplace wellness programs, the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) who participate in the member organization asked a vital question: how will we know if we’re moving along the path to create a Culture of Health? Cristie Travis, CEO of MBGH, and MBGH staff’s response is the...


Engaging the Community through Health Coalitions

Community engagement is helpful to building healthy communities. One Indiana program is centered around developing a model of collaboration and community engagement to identify and confront health challenges facing residents across the Hoosier state. Purdue Extension uses the County Health Rankings and other data resources to assess priorities...

Expanding a Model Preschool Program in UT

When a model preschool program in Utah’s Salt Lake County showed early results—improving kindergarten readiness and grade school performance—United Way of Salt Lake (UWSL) and community partner Voices for Utah Children took notice. Inspired by what they saw, the two groups took action to expand the comprehensive, high-quality early learning program across sectors, and put thousands of children...