
184 results
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Building a Business Case for Better Health: Allen County, OH

In Lima, OH, located in Allen County, community leaders are discovering the economic benefits of building a healthy, attractive community for residents to live, learn, work and play. In the 2012 County Health Rankings, Allen County ranked 75 out of 88 counties, according to health factors, with high rates of obesity (37 percent) and adult smoking (22 percent). Selected by the YMCA of...


Building a foundation for civic health

Students’ social studies scores have plummeted, due in part to disinvestment in civic education. Yet, studies show a clear connection between the civics foundation laid in schools and participation in our democracy into adulthood. And creating strong civic health equals healthier communities overall. Host Ericka Burroughs-Girardi kicks off the series with civic education expert Dr. Kelly Siegel-Stechler, a Tufts University senior researcher at the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), Siegel-Stechler discusses why improving democracy and our health requires shifting mindsets and investing in civic education.


Building power for civic health

When people closest to problems have the power to influence solutions, those solutions often benefit everyone. In our final episode of this series on civic health, hosts Beth Silver and Ericka Burroughs-Girardi explore strategies to ensure everyone has a voice and the opportunity for collective change. They are joined by Dr. Solange Gould, the co-director of Human Impact Partners, who discusses the role narratives play in building power and improving civic health. Dr. Erika Blacksher, the John B. Francis Chair in Bioethics at the Center for Practical Bioethics and a professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center, concludes our series by defining democratic deliberation and how it’s related to health equity. 


Case study: The Atlanta wealth building initiative

The Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative reimagines economic realities in communities of color through community wealth building strategies that leverage ideas, people and capital. On the final episode of our six-part mini-series on the racial wealth divide, we talk about how Atlanta’s tackling the issue with the executive director of the wealth building initiative, Latresa McLawhorn Ryan. 


Changing the Narrative in Minnesota

Through its “Ban the Box” campaign the Justice4All Program, run by TakeAction Minnesota, tackled our nation’s racial jobs disparity head on. For three years, Justice4All led an ultimately successful campaign for “Ban the Box” policies preventing employers from asking job applicants about criminal history on an initial employment application. Because African Americans and Latinos are arrested,...


Changing the Trajectory of High-needs Families: United Way of Central Ohio

The County Health Rankings are based on a model of population health that emphasizes the many factors that, if improved, can help make communities healthier places to live, learn, work and play. In Columbus, United Way of Central Ohio is tackling many of the tough issues the County Health Rankings shed light on. However, as David Ciccone, Senior Impact Director for Health,...