
184 results
Filtered by Podcast, CHR&R Staff Profile, and Story

Woodbury, MN, Community Members Prioritize What’s Important

In 2016, a diverse group of Woodbury, MN partners formed “Woodbury Thrives” to address growing inequities in their suburban community of nearly 69,000. The group included partners from healthcare, public health, nonprofits, business, government, education, and philanthropy. One of their first tasks was to identify clear priorities for action. To do this, the group used a three-part process....


Working Together Creatively to Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice

Twenty years ago George Sedlacek, the Director of Community Health inMarquette County, MI, was lambasted in the local news as a “health Nazi.” Now retired but still active as a community leader, he’s being hailed as a “health hero.” What accounts for the transformation? Sedlacek will tell you he didn’t change; the community’s culture changed.


Working Together to Tackle Poverty in Burnett County, WI

Faced with widespread poverty in their rural county, a group of concerned citizens in Burnett County, Wisconsin, came together and formed Citizens Against Poverty (CAP). Many of the folks in the county were struggling to make ends meet; this had been the case, for some, for generations. Faced with the daunting task of tackling cyclical, generational poverty, the CAP taskforce began a...


Working Toward Paid Sick Leave in New York City

A 2009 campaign to pass a local law requiring paid sick days was launched in New York City after the Community Service Society (CSS), anti-poverty advocates since 1843, released research showing that few of the city’s low income workers had paid sick leave. Many of these individuals ended up working while sick, sending ill children to school, or seeking...