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District of Columbia

Data Sources Name Description Breakdown The DC Cancer Registry The DC Cancer...

Education Measurement Strategies

Education can be measured multiple ways depending on the age group of interest. Among younger ages, standardized test scores, the percentage enrolled in pre-kindergarten...


Employment Measurement Strategies

The Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) calculates six measures of unemployment: U-1, persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer, as a...


Explore health topics

Explore the County Health Rankings Model The County Health Rankings are based on a model of community health that emphasizes the many factors that...

Finding strategies in What Works for Health

What Works for Health (WWFH) is an evidence clearinghouse based on the County Health Rankings model of population health that emphasizes factors that can make...

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility Are state or local health departments eligible to apply? Yes, health departments are eligible to apply for these funds. Applications must be submitted...

Health Behaviors

Tobacco Use How many pregnant women or high school age individuals smoke? What local or state policies are in place regarding secondhand smoke? How...