
409 results
Filtered by Partner Role, Podcast, and Resource

After Action Review

This tool (from Center for Creative Leadership) helps teams celebrate their successes and learn from their mistakes.


Afterschool Alliance

This organization works to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs and their websites provide many resources for both advocating for and implementing afterschool programs. It can be found in the Educators guide under...


Agency for Healthcare Quality and Improvement

This website (from AHRQ) provides information and tools that support the mission of the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Improvement (AHRQ). This tool can be found in the Healthcare Professional and Advocate guide under...


Agenda Example

This tool (from CHR&R) provides an example of an agenda designed with purpose and timeframes. It can be found in Work Together under Reinforce healthy partnership practices.


Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q)

This program (from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) is an effort to lift the overall quality of healthcare in targeted communities, reduce racial and ethnic disparities, and provide models for national reform. AF4Q asks the people who get care, give care, and pay for care to work together toward common, fundamental objectives to lead to better care. It can be found in the...


Alliance for a Healthier Generation Take Action: Schools

This page (from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation) outlines specific steps schools can take to create healthier school environments (free sign-in required to access tools). It can be found in the Educators guide under...



AndACTION is a pop culture hub that gives nonprofits inside intel on upcoming film and TV storylines that feature their issues. They hunt down leads and suggest creative ways for you to use them for maximum impact. That puts you a step ahead today of what everyone will be talking about tomorrow – and makes sure you’ll be part of the conversation.


Answering the Three Questions for an Advocacy Campaign

Answering the Three Key Questions for Advocacy Campaigns (from M+R) helps you answer each of the three key questions for advocacy campaigns. The answers to those three questions will guide everything you do in an advocacy campaign.


Appreciative Inquiry

This tool (from Center for Creative Leadership) outlines key principles, typical questions and options for using this strength-based process.

Find it in Evaluate Actions under...