
384 results
Filtered by Data Spotlight and Resource

Arranging Celebrations

This tool (from Community Tool Box) includes guidelines for when and how to throw a party.


Assessing and Addressing Community Health Needs

This tool developed by the Catholic Health Association is a comprehensive guide to community health assessments that incorporates requirements from both the PPACA and the Internal Revenue Services.

This resource can be found in Assess Needs & Resources under ...


Avoiding Group Think

This tool (from Mind Tools) is a face-to-face process for gaining consensus where the group shares and discusses all issues before evaluation, with each group member participating equally in evaluation. It describes strategies for checking the fundamental assumptions behind important decisions, validating the decision-making process, and evaluating the risks involved.


Awareness Activities

These activities (from EdChange) address diversity, social identity, and cultural competence and include facilitation guidelines. This tool can be found in Work Together under Work Together to Advance Health Equity and under...



This website is an international collaboration to improve evaluation practice and theory by sharing and generating information about options (methods or processes) and approaches. It can be found in Evaluate Actions under...


Beyond Health Care

This tool (from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) provides 10 recommendations from the RWJF Commission to Build a Healthier America. The PDF of their report can be downloaded from this site. 

It can be found in:...


Bikability Checklist

This tool (from U. S. Department of Transportation) provides a checklist for assessing the bikability of your community. It can be found in the Community Development guide under...