
130 results
Filtered by Data Spotlight, Podcast, and County Health Rankings Model
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Disconnected Youth*

Percentage of teens and young adults ages 16-19 who are neither working nor in school.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Drinking Water Violations

Indicator of the presence of health-related drinking water violations. 'Yes' indicates the presence of a violation, 'No' indicates no violation.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Driving Alone to Work

Percentage of the workforce that drives alone to work.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Drug Overdose Deaths*

Number of drug poisoning deaths per 100,000 population.
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)


Better educated individuals live longer, healthier lives than those with less education, and their children are more likely to thrive. This is true even when factors like income are taken into account. 

Embracing power and education for civic health

In this second episode of our three-part series, we’re tackling civic education and young people’s involvement in civic life: where we’re at as a country, what we can do to improve it and how it’s linked to our overall health. Host Beth Silver interviews prolific author Eric Liu, a self-described civic evangelist and CEO of Citizen University, an organization that promotes “powerful citizenship and civic education.” Silver and Liu discuss power, obligation and responsibility in a democracy.

County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)


Employment provides income and, often, benefits that can support healthy lifestyle choices. Unemployment and underemployment limit these choices, and negatively affect both quality of life and overall health. The economic condition of a community and an individual’s level of educational attainment both play important roles in shaping employment opportunities. 
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Excessive Drinking

Percentage of adults reporting binge or heavy drinking (age-adjusted).
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)

Family and Social Support

People with greater social support, less isolation, and greater interpersonal trust live longer and healthier lives than those who are socially isolated. Neighborhoods richer in social capital provide residents with greater access to support and resources than those with less social capital.