
371 results
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Blog Post

2018 RWJF Culture of Health Prize Finalists Announced

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) today announced the 10 communities chosen as finalists for the RWJF Culture of Health Prize. The Prize recognizes communities that come together around a shared vision to ensure that good health flourishes for everyone. 

The following 10 finalist communities are one step closer to the coveted national Prize: 


Blog Post

3 Questions Key to Partnering with Business to Improve Health

If you want to partner with businesses in your area to improve health, it’s important to do your homework, according to Cara McNulty, Senior Group Manager‐Prevention and Wellness for Target Corp. McNulty, who works on partnering with groups to improve the health of more than 365,000 workers, shared her experiences in a recent County Health Rankings & Roadmaps webinar,...

Blog Post

40 cities rated on policies that improve residents quality of life

Our health is directly impacted by where we live and the conditions that shape our environment. To become a healthier community we have to ask: Are there safe places for kids to play and be active? Do residents have access to safe, affordable housing? Is high quality, universal pre-K education available for all children? According to the CityHealth Initiative, more than half of the nation’s 40...

Blog Post

A Catalyst for Conversations about Health

The County Health Rankings provide local leaders, community partners, and residents an opportunity to look at factors that influence how well and how long residents live. A catalyst for conversations about health in communities all across the country, the Rankings also garner significant national and local media attention.

Since the Rankings release on...