
355 results
Filtered by Blog Post, Data Spotlight, and Partner Role
Blog Post

Beyond Ranks: Measuring Progress in Your Community

How does a community measure how they’re doing on health improvement? To answer this question, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program staff hosted a webinar to help participants locate various data sources, develop a plan for measuring their community improvement, and answer community specific questions.

While the County Health Rankings are...

Blog Post

Breaking Down the Rankings Model: Tobacco and Alcohol Use

Tobacco use and excessive drinking are both leading causes of preventable death in the United States. Over 20 percent or the US adult population currently smokes cigarettes and 15 percent of adults drink excessively. The burden of tobacco use and alcohol is taking a large toll on the health of local communities throughout the United...

Blog Post

Bringing a public health focus to gun policies

More than 41,000 people in the United States die from gun violence every year. Our team recently updated gun policy strategies in our What Works for Health database featuring the latest research, evidence and implementation examples.

Blog Post

BUILD Health Challenge Awards Announced

On June 9th, the BUILD Health Challenge held an event to announce grants to 18 communities for innovative projects to improve health in low-income communities. Created by the Advisory Board Company, the de Beaumont Foundation, the Colorado Health Foundation, The Kresge Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the challenge...

Blog Post

Building a Culture of Health means being attentive to biases

We, at County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, like many across the country, are working to deepen our efforts around health equity. We created an internal work group on health equity in early 2015 to further support a foundation for health equity by enriching our understanding of the barriers and opportunities for everyone to be their healthiest, and by growing our confidence in...

Blog Post

Building Civic Health through Healthy Democracies

In June 2021, we released the Civic Engagement and Population Health Compendium, which articulates concepts and measures relevant to civic engagement that extend beyond voter registration and voter turnout, including information about inequities in participation by race, gender, socioeconomic status, and immigrant status.

Blog Post

Building Healthy Communities

What do banks have to do with health? Each year, the community development sector—a network that includes banks, financial institutions, real estate developers and city planners—spends billions of dollars to revitalize impoverished neighborhoods. The potential health benefits of these investments are huge: whether it is building safe, affordable housing; ensuring sidewalks are included in new infrastructure projects; or financing grocery stores in places that lack healthy food options.