
460 results
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Atlanta Places of Worship Grow Gardens in their Yards

Nazeera Dawood, former health promotion manager of Georgia’s Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness in Atlanta, is passionate about her work. When the county’s interfaith coalition invited her to speak about health, she eagerly showered them with “BMIs and other numbers.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” members told...


Audio podcast program a win-win for students’ learning and health

When fifth grade North Carolina teacher Laura Fenn faced the dual reality of dwindling P.E. and recess time and increasing pressure to maximize her classroom instruction, she got creative. Fenn developed The Walking Classroom to get her elementary school students up and moving without sacrificing their learning. Five years later, the national award-winning nonprofit program is used...
Blog Post

Back to School: New Meal Standards on the Menu

As another school year gets under way, more and more schools are adhering to new, ongoing federal school meal standards aimed at improving the health of children across the country. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act calls for districts to institute meal reforms, such as adding minimum amounts of fruits and vegetables...

Blog Post

Behind-The-Scenes Sneak Peak with Bridget Booske Catlin

Leading up to the launch of the 2012 County Health Rankings on April 3, will be running a series of posts and Q&As to explore what’s new for the Rankings and how local communities are using them. Below is an excerpt from the first Q&A of the series with Bridget Booske Catlin, PhD, MHSA, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Director. 

Blog Post

Better Education = Healthier Lives

The Rankings recognize the strong correlation between higher educational attainment and improved health by measuring counties’ high school graduation rates and the percentage of adults (ages 25-44) with some post-secondary education.

Blog Post

Beyond Ranks: Measuring Progress in Your Community

How does a community measure how they’re doing on health improvement? To answer this question, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program staff hosted a webinar to help participants locate various data sources, develop a plan for measuring their community improvement, and answer community specific questions.

While the County Health Rankings are...