County by County Blog

Project updates, commentaries, events and news about health across the nation from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team.

Better Education = Healthier Lives

Publication date
August 28, 2012

The Rankings recognize the strong correlation between higher educational attainment and improved health by measuring counties’ high school graduation rates and the percentage of adults (ages 25-44) with some post-secondary education.

The infographic “Better Education = Healthier Lives” visually explores this relationship between education and health. “Better Education = Healthier Lives” is part of a series on NewPublicHealth that examines the National Prevention Strategy, an effort across 17 federal agencies from a wide range of sectors to improve Americans’ health while reducing disease and preventable illness.

Some highlights from the infographic:

  • College graduates can expect to live 5 years longer than individuals who have not finished high school.
  • The infant mortality rate for women who have never graduated from high school is nearly double that of women with college degrees.
  • Each additional year of school represents an 11% increase in income.

View the whole infographic

Explore the National Prevention Strategy series on NewPublicHealth

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