Washington Data and Resources


2024 Washington Data ( 275.98 KB, SHEET)


2023 Washington Data ( 284.33 KB, SHEET)





2019 Washington Summary Report ( 792.63 KB, PDF)
2019 Washington Data ( 367.00 KB, MS-EXCEL)


2018 Washington Summary Report ( 732.93 KB, PDF)
2018 Washington Data ( 352.00 KB, MS-EXCEL)


2017 Washington Summary Report ( 536.32 KB, PDF)
2017 Washington Data ( 367.00 KB, MS-EXCEL)


2016 Washington Summary Report ( 917.30 KB, PDF)
2016 Washington Data ( 347.00 KB, MS-EXCEL)



2014 Washington Summary Report ( 418.11 KB, PDF)
2014 Washington Data ( 334.00 KB, MS-EXCEL)


2013 Washington Summary Report ( 467.15 KB, PDF)
2013 Washington Data ( 280.50 KB, MS-EXCEL)


Washington COVID-19 Resources

Data Sources

These data sources provide information for communities looking for more local data. These sources provide either unique, local data; more information on demographic breakdowns (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity); or data for sub-county geographic units (e.g., cities, zipcodes or school districts).

Washington Data Sources

Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting SystemThe Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System contains hospital inpatient discharge information including hospital census, charges, and payers.



CrimeStats OnlineThe Washington Statistical Analysis Center is a clearinghouse for state data on crime and justice topics. Use their web-based query tools to target your crime and justice questions or download full data sets for more detailed analysis. Demographic
Washington County STD ProfilesThese county profiles present an in-depth look at sexually transmitted diseases in each of Washington's counties. Data include chlamydia and gonorrhea occurrence by sex.Demographic
Washington Healthy Youth SurveyThe Healthy Youth Survey provides data on the health of adolescents in Washington in the areas of safety and violence behaviors, risk and protective factors, health-related behaviors, and alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. Go to the "Survey Results" tab to view data by state, county, or educational service district.Demographic
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction - Data and ReportsWashington's Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction provides a variety of education data, including school district revenues and expenditures, graduation and dropout statistics, personnel information, and more.

Dropout and Graduation Rates
Washington Prescription Monitoring ProgramThe Prescription Monitoring Program's purpose is to improve patient care and stop prescription drug misuse by collecting all the records for Schedule II, III, IV and V drugs. 
Washington Public Health Activities and Services InventoryThe Public Health Activities and Services Tracking (PHAST) contains data tables and visualization dashboards from 2008-2014 on a variety of topics, including environmental health, communicable disease, emergency preparedness, healthy family development, access to care, assessment, prevention and wellness. 
Washington State Cancer RegistryCancer incidence and mortality data by site and region are available for 1993 (hard copy only), and 1994 through 2010. Age- and sex-specific rates and stage at diagnosis are also available.Demographic
Washington State Department of Health - Immunization DataData from the Immunization Information System, Washington School Immunization Data, and the Washington Immunization Scorecard is presented annually. Although source dependent data can be broken down by state, county, school district, and health care facility. Sub-County
Washington State Department of Health Local Public Health IndicatorsThe Washington State Local Public Health Indicators website is an online data resource to help measure the health of Washington communities and inform the programs and policies of state and local public health agencies. Data includes health status, health behavior, and public health system performance at the local level.Demographic
Washington State Department of Social and Health ServicesThe Department of Social & Health Services (DSHS) provides data such as the number of clients who utilize each DSHS program and the expenditures per client.  Information is available by state or county.Demographic
Washington Tracking NetworkThe Washington Tracking Network contains data on: environmental exposure, health outcomes, and population characteristics at the state and county levels.Demographic
Washington Traffic Safety CommissionThese reports include automobile monthly, quarterly, and annual fatal and serious injury totals for the last five years. Interactive maps and tables can also be found here: WA State Crash Data Portal.Demographic
Washington Vital Statistics ReportsThe Department of Health collects high-quality information on all births, deaths, abortions, marriages, and divorces that occur in Washington State.



Community Health Improvement Resources

These resources include public health agencies (including local public health offices, state agencies, and public health institutes) and other partners in improving community health including United Ways, counties associations, hospital associations, and extension offices.

Washington Community Resources

Public Health

Other Health Partners