Rhode Island Data and Resources





Rhode Island COVID-19 Resources

Data Sources

These data sources provide information for communities looking for more local data. These sources provide either unique, local data; more information on demographic breakdowns (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity); or data for sub-county geographic units (e.g., cities, zipcodes or school districts).

Rhode Island Data Sources

Name Description Breakdown
Rhode Island Prescription Drug Monitoring Program This site contains information about the prescription drug monitoring program, whose mission is to help detect overprescribing, and diversion or fraud related to prescription of controlled substances. Data regarding drug overdoses in Rhode Island can be found here: Drug Overdoses.  
State of Rhode Island Department of Health Data Rhode Island provides access to a variety of data, including: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, death certificates, births, motor vehicle crashes, infectious diseases, hospitals, homicides and assaults, and cancer registry.



State of Rhode Island Department of Health Data - Vaccinations Rhode Island provides access to influenza vaccination coverage by age group for children, adolescents, and healthcare workers to hopefully improve vaccination coverage rates for vaccine-preventable diseases.


Community Health Improvement Resources

These resources include public health agencies (including local public health offices, state agencies, and public health institutes) and other partners in improving community health including United Ways, counties associations, hospital associations, and extension offices.

Rhode Island Community Resources

Public Health

Other Health Partners

Other Rhode Island Resources