North Carolina Data and Resources

North Carolina COVID-19 Resources

Data Sources

These data sources provide information for communities looking for more local data. These sources provide either unique, local data; more information on demographic breakdowns (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity); or data for sub-county geographic units (e.g., cities, zipcodes or school districts).

North Carolina Data Sources

Name Description Breakdown
North Carolina Central Cancer Registry The Central Cancer Registry collects, processes, and analyzes data on all cancer cases diagnosed among North Carolina residents to inform the planning and evaluation of cancer control efforts. Information available on their website includes cancer diagnoses and deaths.


North Carolina Communicable Disease Reports The Communicable Disease Branch includes routine surveillance and quality assurance of disease reporting by physicians, hospitals, and laboratories. Visit their website to find data relating to communicable diseases (e.g. influenza, foodborne illnesses, zika), vaccine-preventable diseases (e.g. pertussis, measles, mumps, hepatitis B), and STDs.


North Carolina County Health Data Book The State Center for Health Statistics creates the County Health Data Book on an annual basis to provide communities with data to support community health assessments. Information available includes pregnancy rates, births and birthweight, life expectancy, and deaths.


North Carolina County Health Data Book - BRFSS The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey collects data on chronic disease and related health behaviors of adults in North Carolina. This page provides annual survey results.


North Carolina Crash Data and Maps The North Carolina Department of Transportation provides crash data, organized by type, ranking, overall cost, maps, and other resources for analysis. Annual reports and county profiles are provided.



North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Data and Statistics The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction provides education data including adequate yearly progress results, North Carolina school report cards, SAT report, free- and reduced-meal applications (under "Select Financial Data"), and dropouts.

High School Graduation Rate (Cohort Graduation Rates)


North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance - Statistics and Reports This North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance provides Medicaid eligibility and enrollment numbers, payments to providers, and health care performance measures by county for the state of North Carolina.


North Carolina Environmental Health Data Dashboard The North Carolina Environmental Health Data Dashboard allows users to view interactive maps and environmental health data visualizations at the state and county levels, including environmental and climate hazards that can affect human health throughout the state.


North Carolina Health Atlas The North Carolina Health Atlas contains maps of North Carolina that depict county-level health and health-related information. The primary purpose of the Atlas is to provide a way to visually interpret a broad range of data and information about the health of North Carolinians.


North Carolina Health Data Query System The North Carolina Health Data Query System provides access to county-level data on births, birth defects, mortality by leading cause, population estimates, and pregnancy.


North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics The North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics includes county-level statistics on birth defects, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Child Health Assessment and Monitoring Program, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Vital Statistics, Cancer, Minority Health, and other data.


North Carolina Uniform Crime Reporting Program The Uniform Crime Reporting program is a system of collecting and analyzing crime and arrest statistics.


North Carolina Youth Risk Behavior Survey The Youth Risk Behavior Survey helps assess behaviors in youth that impact their health now and in the future. Topics include violence, personal safety, physical activity, nutrition, mental health, tobacco, drugs and alcohol, protective factors and sexual behavior questions.


UNC - The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research This site includes hospital discharge, outpatient visits, and emergency room visits data for North Carolina.


Community Health Improvement Resources

These resources include public health agencies (including local public health offices, state agencies, and public health institutes) and other partners in improving community health including United Ways, counties associations, hospital associations, and extension offices.

North Carolina Community Resources

Public Health

Other Health Partners