Quality of Life

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Quality of Life represents the well-being of a community. It underscores the importance of physical, mental, social and emotional health from birth to adulthood.

Quality of life data tells us about how people perceive their health. It tells us whether they feel healthy and satisfied. It is important to understand the perceived physical and mental health of a community so we can identify patterns over time and inequities between groups of people. We can also identify risk factors and policies that address those risk factors.

Quality of Life includes:

  • Birth outcomes, showing rates of babies born at low birth weight
  • Self-reported physical and mental wellness


Our Rankings show how healthy a community is as well as indicators for future health. This provides a starting point for action on improving health for all. Dig deeper into the measures below to learn more about our approaches to measuring health.

Number of people aged 13 years and older living with a diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection per 100,000 population.