County by County Blog

Project updates, commentaries, events and news about health across the nation from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team.

Online education: Exploring the underlying causes of health inequities

Publication date
October 30, 2024

The public health and health care fields have power to advance health and equity by learning about the intersections of power, oppression and health.

Discover a new, free online resource, the Roots of Health Inequity Course Series, from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). Roots courses provide a view of health inequities through the lens of the underlying history, narratives and power imbalances that drive them.

The interactive site illuminates the causes of social injustice and health inequity and provides ways to build healthier communities. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps data and strategies can also sharpen focus on communities’ specific health opportunities and needs.

Roots of Health Inequity spans ten courses and includes practitioner stories, references and toolkits to address communities’ unique needs. Roots also fosters critical reflection and collaboration by allowing users to form online learning groups. Group leaders can track progress, assign content and capture their cohorts' comments. To encourage dialogue and reflection, users may also access a forthcoming facilitator’s guide, which will offer frameworks, activities, discussions and reflection-based learning aids.

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