Segregation: a threat to equity

Date & time:
August 22, 2023 3pm EDT

Segregation and discrimination persist in many forms. This contributes to widening wealth gaps, poorer quality schools and worsening health inequities. Dr. Tiffany Manuel, President and CEO of the leadership development firm TheCaseMade, will join us for the first in a two-part webinar series on healing segregation for health equity. In this webinar, we will examine historical drivers of segregation, policies and practices that perpetuate it and the consequences to our health. Dr. Christine Muganda with County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will also join us to share data that show where segregation and discrimination endure in communities across the country. 

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps will host a one-hour interactive virtual discussion at 4 p.m. ET, immediately following the webinar. Participate in an engaging dialogue with peers across the country to share your experiences working toward equity. Mark your calendars and plan to stay as long as you're able.

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