Community in Action
Examples of programs, policies, and tools in action.

Using 27-9-3 to Build Support for Incarceration Alternatives

March 2, 2014

In 2012, WISDOM—a faith-based organization that includes representation from 145 congregations and 19 different religious traditions across Wisconsin—and its partners launched the 11 X 15 Campaign for Justice. The 11 x 15 Campaign has the vision of reducing Wisconsin’s prison population from 23,000 to 11,000 by 2015 by promoting alternatives to incarceration.

The 11 X 15 Campaign aims to persuade state legislators and other decision makers to provide funding for counties to initiate or expand proven local programs that offer alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenders, such as drug and alcohol treatment courts, mental health courts, and day reporting centers.

David Liners, executive director of WISDOM, credits the 27-9-3 tool with helping his organization enlist decision maker support, describe their initiative, and recruit new members. Inspired by Vermont legislators, the 27-9-3 Rule: Developing Your Persuasive Message (from M+R) helps constituents use powerful, succinct, messages with no more than 27 words, delivered in nine seconds, containing just three (or fewer) ideas—to persuade legislators and other decision makers to consider new ideas.

To learn more about the 27-9-3 Rule: Developing Your Persuasive Message (from M+R), listen to Liners’ webcast explaining how WISDOM uses it in Wisconsin.

Communities in Action provide examples of strategies or tools in action. Their purpose is to connect like-minded communities in their implementation efforts, giving insight into how others are tackling key challenges and what they've accomplished.

Date added: March 26, 2014