
381 results
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What Do You Want? Choosing a Local Policy Goal

This tool (from M+R) provides a set of criteria to help groups select a policy or systems change goal for their community. You can use this tool to facilitate meaningful discussion and decision-making that is grounded in a specific set of criteria. 


What Drives Health

This tool (from RWJF) discusses how social factors like education, income, work, and housing can affect health directly and indirectly. It can be found in Focus on What's Important under ...


What is Policy?

This 2-page introductory fact sheet from Change Lab Solutions can help you introduce partners to the concept of policy change. 


What, So What, Now What Reflection Worksheet

This reflection tool (from CHR&R) helps teams understand the implications of what they're learning and decide what action to take next. 

Find it in Evaluate Actions under Evaluate Your Partnership and Make Changes.


What Works for Health

This tool (from CHR&R) can to help you find evidence-informed policies, programs, systems, and environmental changes that can make a difference locally.


What Works for Health Shortcut

Looking for a shortcut to effectively use What Works for Health, our tool to help you find evidence-informed policies, programs, systems, and environmental changes that can make a difference locally? We've added a new resource to help you do just that.


What Works for Health: Strategies to Improve Rural Health

What Works for Health: Strategies to Improve Rural Health outlines key steps toward building healthy communities – rural, urban, and anywhere in between – along with some specific policies and programs that can improve health. This report highlights selected strategies from What Works for Health.


What Works for Health Tutorial

What Works for Health provides communities with information to help select and implement evidence-informed policies, programs, and system changes that will improve the variety of factors we know affect health.