
111 results
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Integrating Services for Military Families & Veterans in CO

Active duty service members, veterans, and their families comprise approximately one third of the residents of Colorado’s Pikes Peak region. To more effectively meet the often interconnected needs of these individuals and their loved ones, the Peak Military Care Network (PMCN) has created an integrated care network for military members, veterans, and their families. “We began our...


Iowa Nurses Support First-Time Moms

First-time parents can always use some extra support, and in Clinton County, Iowa, that support is aimed at creating successful families right from the start. Clinton County is rolling out the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program, an initiative that pairs nurses with new mothers to provide more than just medical care. The nurses...


Juneau County’s Health Rankings Offer Opportunity to Improve

Juneau County, a small rural county in the southern part of Wisconsin, ranked either last or near the bottom in a series of health check-ups issued by the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute (UWPHI). Juneau County Health Director Barbara Theis wasn’t happy about the poor scores but over time she began to see the report as an opportunity to improve the county’s performance.


Just Waiting to Be Asked: The Beaverton Clinic Story

Adolph Presidio is a tough, resilient 93 year old with ongoing health concerns. His 20 mile monthly drive to the clinic in Harrison, MI from his rural home in Beaverton was both wearing and a cause for concern given Michigan’s harsh winters of snow and ice. But as of March 2012, Adolf now only has to drive five minutes to the...


Kids Garden at Larson Elementary, Harrison, Michigan

A presentation at the April 2013 Together We Can summit created the spark for a garden at Larson Elementary School in Harrison, Michigan. The principal, Julie Rosencrantz, knew that many kids in the school didn’t have access to the fresh fruits and vegetables they need to be healthy and saw a garden as an opportunity to change that. By June, kids were eating the fruits and vegetables they had...


Kitchen Benefits Farmers, Entrepreneurs & Schools

Wisconsin Innovation Kitchen helps farmers, small businesses, and schools turn fresh produce into meals and shelf stable food. Using the legal, state-inspected, commercial sized community kitchen, entrepreneurs can develop and process their products. Farmers can sell nutritious produce that might otherwise go to waste....


KYA Pursues EITC to Help Children and Families

Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA) works to improve the well-being of Kentucky’s children, using research, communication, and partnerships to educate decision makers and advocate for policies to keep children and families healthy, safe, and secure. Looking for opportunities to combat the dual problems of poor health and poverty in their state, KYA chose to pursue...

Literacy Network Improves Adults’ Health Care Knowledge in WI

Literacy skills are a key predictor of an individual’s health status. After attending the 2009 Health Literacy Summit in Madison, WI, Literacy Network of Dane County developed English for Health, an award-winning program that helps adults with low literacy learn about good...


Loan Forgiveness Program Brings Nursing Students to Rural Montana

Nursing students who commit to at least two years of work at a rural hospital following graduation could qualify for partial loan reimbursement, thanks to an eastern Montana program that’s aiming to recruit nurses to rural hospitals. The Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP) program, established by The Montana Health Network, employs nursing students the summer before graduation....