
114 results
Filtered by Curated Strategy List, and County Health Rankings Model
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)


Income provides economic resources that shape choices about housing, education, child care, food, medical care, and more. Wealth, the accumulation of savings and assets, helps cushion and protect us in times of economic distress. As income and wealth increase or decrease, so do opportunities for health. 
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Income Inequality

Ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Infant Mortality*

Number of infant deaths (within 1 year) per 1,000 live births.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Injury Deaths

Number of deaths due to injury per 100,000 population.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Insufficient Sleep*

Percentage of adults who report fewer than 7 hours of sleep on average (age-adjusted).
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Juvenile Arrests*

Rate of delinquency cases per 1,000 juveniles.
County Health Rankings Model (Health Outcome)

Length of Life

Length of Life is the time between birth and death. We measure how long people live to reveal what might have led to early deaths. We investigate length of life among population groups to help us understand differences in health outcomes.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Life Expectancy*

Average number of years people are expected to live.
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Living Wage*

The hourly wage needed to cover basic household expenses plus all relevant taxes for a household of one adult and two children.